Saturday, January 2, 2010

At what length must a man, a Renaissance man go for his fair maiden?

This is a question I’m most certain, we as guys ask ourselves all the time: What is she gonna ask me to do next?

I just buried my beautiful wife’s dog today!

Let me give you a little background on my fair maiden; she’s 20 years my junior, very beautiful(yes that's her)and one of the most compassionate of God’s great creatures that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. I have been told many times over that I’m a lucky man!
I am married to a woman who could be a model, that cooks as though she’s been on this earth for a lifetime and is willing to attend to my every need. I ask myself daily; what have I done to deserve this type of woman? To the best of my knowledge, nothing! Although she tells me everyday that I’m her saving grace, which couldn’t be further from the truth(okay, maybe we belong to the mutual admiration society)but truthfully I’ve done nothing to deserve what she has given except… attempt to become her Renaissance man!
Burying a family pet is not necessarily worthy of heroic mention, and many of us guys myself included, understand that she was just a dog. She wasn’t a person, or a cherished family pet that had been raised from a puppy. She wasn’t even a dog who had lived with us for years, she was a stray that someone had left to fend for herself. A stray my wife decided(on her own), needed a home and a family. She was right! She did need a home, she did deserve to be fed and she also deserved to be loved, which is exactly what my fair maiden did… she loved her!
I have worked many jobs in my life(writing has only recently become a passion), and one of the many jobs I held was as an Firefighter/EMT. I worked for over ten years in this field while seeing many things that shaped my young mind, which also brought about emotional responses within me that I had to learn to deal with. For me, the only possibility of handling this type of stress was to put them on the emotional back burner, which helped me to cope with the loss of others. There are a lot of people who don’t understand the dissociation public servants must attain in order to perform their daily routines, but I assure you these measures must be taken in order to risk everything for someone else while remaining marginally sane yourself.

What does this have to do with being a Renaissance Man you might ask… everything. We must be strong for our loved ones, willing to protect them from anything while remaining sensitive to their needs, which is the task that takes the most work. We as men understand and develop a callousness toward the hardships of daily life and we must(we can’t go around the jobsite asking for a tissue every time we have a tender moment), because; How could we not? We have jobs to perform, money to be made and Universes to Conquer! Right? Exactly… but we also have a job to perform at home and this is where we need to be able to take off the armor we don every morning when we step out into the real world….

This is where we have to show our compassion, and it takes an awful lot of effort to do so. We have to remove that armor… and most guys, myself included(at least during 90 percent of my adult life)get lazy, deciding to leave it on all the time. Why should I be the one to work so hard, is a question we end up asking ourselves. She should just understand, right? I’m sure she does most of the time, the question is: Should she have to?
I guess the answer to that question is; What do you want? I myself decided(the moment I met my fair maiden, almost six years ago) that I wanted a real woman, a woman of passion. How any man could not want to be with a woman who completely satisfies his every need… completely escapes me. To be with your complete feminine equal requires finesse, hard work and dedication, but trust me it’s worth all the effort. I have discovered a friend that will do anything for me, who works harder at(not always succeeding, we all make mistakes)satisfying me, than anyone I’ve ever been with. She is my Queen and I am her King! The benefits have been mind blowing I assure you, yet they come with a price. Strong women, women of moral principle who stand behind us and support us every step of the way, are the type of women who are deserving of being called fair maidens. Finding one is rare, keeping one happy is rarer still.

At what length must a man, a Renaissance man go to for his fair maiden?

I buried my beautiful wife’s dog today! I dug that grave, I carried that animal into a beautiful wooded surrounding, and I was the shoulder for my overly emotional wife to lean on. I stood as strong and resilient as the old oak tree her dog was buried under while my wife said goodbye, I also gave her time to mourn the loss, even though emotionally I did not connect with this animal the same way. Then I buried that poor animal, saying a quick prayer over her as my sobbing wife made her way back to our house. I will mark this stray dog’s grave for her. I will listen to my wife’s funny stories about this animal… and laugh with her. I will even shed a tear… not for the loss of the animal(guys understand about these things), but for the loss my wife feels, because in her mind it’s real!

At what length must we go… to whatever lengths our fair maidens need us to! Becoming a Renaissance man is a journey intended not only to gain access to our perfect 10’s(this is not just a pick-up guide), or to become Masters of our Universe(or a get-rich guide)…. It is also to become a well-rounded human being, one that is worthy and deserving of our women’s love and devotion.
We must transform ourselves into many people throughout our lives; a Don Juan to provide the romance and passion, a Warrior to provide protection, a King Solomon to provide wisdom and judiciousness… and even a Mother Teresa(at times) to provide the sensitivity and comfort our women deserve, all while maintaining and preserving ourselves(we still need to be a guy every now and again).
This is why we as guys need to share our experiences, talk about the things we’ve done as well as the things we haven’t and figure out how we can accomplish the insurmountable tasks we need to… everyday. So let me hear your comments(men and women) alike, and we‘ll make this journey together while we attempt to give sound advice on becoming a Renaissance man in the 21st Century!
Check out the next article… evaluating your goals!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Ground Zero

The Renaissance man: with wide-ranging intellect: a man who has a wide range of accomplishments and intellectual interests.

We have now found ourselves flawed! Admitted to ourselves that something went wrong along time ago, and it deserves fixing. It doesn’t matter the what, it only matters that you’ve admitted it must exist.
Attitude: personal view of something: an opinion or general feeling about something a positive attitude to change. 2. bodily posture: a physical posture either conscious or unconscious, especially while interacting with others 3. challenging manner: an arrogant or assertive manner or stance assumed as a challenge or for effect.
There are several factors that affects ones attitude. Stress: subject somebody or something to strain; to cause somebody or something to experience mental, emotional, or physical stress. This is one of the most damaging factors in any persons daily life, and it causes many physical dilemmas from heart conditions as well as emotional and mental ones, that lead to over-indulgence of many things including food, alcohol and drugs!
We have all heard the over-weight person complain they have a thyroid problem! They continue to assert to others that they hardly eat and yet they continue to gain weight. I would be remiss in not addressing the fact that these issues do occur, but they are controllable. Go to a doctor! If this is truly an issue, he will prescribe the proper medicines to control this disorder. But, if this turns out to be a non-entity, then you must look deep within yourself….
Now this is not a how to lose weight guide, but if you are to change you must admit to yourself that health plays a definitive role in how you view yourself… so for all intent and purposes, we will start here!
I believe that a good, healthy diet and workout routine is paramount in overcoming emotional and mental issues that plague many people throughout the world. This does not mean that it is the sole reason certain people attain their perfect 10’s, but it helps. What it does, is assist in laying a foundation that is needed to begin the metamorphoses!
Okay, ground zero! To begin this transformation we must look (honestly) into our daily habits, and the best way to accomplish this is to log everything you do including; food and drink consumption for an entire week. There are many sites on the web that give examples of workout and food logs, if this works for you… then do it. I have found that a small notebook carried religiously throughout the week, ensures that nothing is missed, and then before bed each night, I log it all into a master book or computer.
This transformation is not going to happen overnight, so you must adhere to a strict no variance policy when evaluating your baseline. For example, if you are in the market to purchase a new digital camera, but know absolutely nothing about them…. You do the research, right? If you don’t, then you are left to the devices of marketing strategies by either buying one because it’s cheap or buying one that does more than you need it to. Cheap leads to frustration in workmanship, and purchasing one that is more than you need leads to frustration in operation. So do the research!
Evaluate your baseline with complete honesty and scrutiny!
Log your diet with regards to; amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats(so if it’s a Happy Meal, log everything in that meal). Most restaurants have nutritional information on their menu items, if not then ask them to get one or look it up on the internet. When eating at home you will have to approximate the amounts, it’s not hard but be honest with yourself on the amounts.
Log your liquid intake; this includes everything you consume, if it’s a 2-liter of Mountain Dew a day(we pray it’s not) log it.
Log your work schedule; this includes everything dedicated to your entire work schedule, from the time you wake, transportation to and from, what you did during your day as well as any stress related issues during that day(did the boss get on your ass, customer complaints…)
Log your free time; this includes (and again be honest and diligent) everything you did when you weren’t working. If this is taking care of three kids, log the exact amount of time it took. If it’s watching Law and Order or playing endless hours of Halo, log it!
If you are to get to the root of the problem, you must be completely and brutally honest with yourself. You cannot expect to create a better foundation if you’re having a torrid love affair with Little Debbie or Sara Lee while cruising the web for your perfect 10!
It’s now the end of the week(7 days), and your list is compiled… Now what to do with this incessant scribbling. First and foremost, let’s look at what you ate over the course of this week. Break it down! You are going to want to know; fat content, sugar or carbohydrate content and protein content. If you logged everything right, you should be able to look at the amounts you consumed, and break it all down. This may take some time but it is paramount in determining your baseline, and the changes you must take to change it.
Log in the liquid consumables, ie: alcohol, water, soda(or pop for your Northerner’s), coffee, tea…. It doesn’t matter what it was, you just need to know the amounts and their caloric values. Look at the amount of time you spent working and plug it in. Free time, plug in the hours you spent idle doing absolutely no exercise(using a remote or typing on a keyboard does not constitute exercise) and log it!
Now that it’s all compiled, you will be able to see exactly what needs to be changed in regards to your goals! This starts the next phase in your quest, evaluating what goals you are going to set forth for yourself, and be realistic! You will never become an Adonis if you are drinking a couple of two liters of soda a day while consuming a those two large pizzas as well as a box of Ho-Ho’s! But if being an Abercrombie and Fitch model is your goal… now you know where it is you need to start.

Watch for the next article… setting your goals!

The Renaissance Man

The Renaissance man: with wide-ranging intellect; a man who has a wide range of accomplishments and intellectual interests.

The modern man seems to have forgotten those behaviors that bore us the title of man…

Gallantry: Bravery, especially in war or in a situation of great danger. Courteous and thoughtful behavior, especially toward women.

Chivalry: the combination of qualities expected of the ideal medieval knight, especially courage, honor, loyalty, and consideration for others, especially women.

Truthfully though, who can blame us? Women have forged ahead in a male dominated society, taking with them the customs that have been handed down through the generations. Opening doors, extending a hand in assistance… are but a few of the customs that modern women have rebuffed, believing them to be signs of feminine weakness. Can we as modern men blame them for this behavior? Honestly, I believe a woman has more than earned their rights for equality, but… it’s time they understand that some men are Renaissance Men! We were raised with honor and valor, taught chivalrous attributes and appreciate those few that thank us for our attentiveness.
In a world full of hustle and bustle, it’s time we as men stand our ground and restore the gallant and chivalrous behavior that is our heritage. I believe there is a trend flowing throughout the lifeblood of society… Have we started to see the resurgence of The Renaissance Man? Maybe, but either way we will discuss the virtues of being a Renaissance man in the 21st Century! We will discuss how one goes about being the type of man that women truly want. How to go about finding the type of woman who appreciates a well-versed man, where to look and most importantly… how to approach this perfect 10.
It all starts with… attitude! Have you ever noticed the completely unorthodox matching of the sexes? That perfect 10 walking hand in hand, completely infatuated with their complete opposite.
Most of us would agree, the first thing that comes to mind is… money! The _____ (fill in the blank; fat one, ugly one, or geeky one. The list is long and distinguished.) must be rich or extremely accomplished in their field. I suggest this may be true, but it is also possible they are just confident, well-versed and are a know what they want type of man!
I believe attitude is the number one reason these people succeed in finding their perfect 10, and if you desire a person with _____ (again fill in the blank looks, money, intellect… Yes, once again the list is long and distinguished.) then you must change your point of view. It all starts with a take no prisoners attitude. You don’t need to be the best looking, smartest, or strongest of the species to secure a relationship with your perfect 10, but what you do need; is to be the most confident! Where does confidence start? Within….
If you are the one who sits on the sidelines(be honest with yourself. Are you that wallflower? Yes men as well as women can and are indeed considered wallflowers.) who watches interaction(everyone has that one friend who always seems to get the hook-up.) rather than experiences it. You can change, but it all starts within your psyche…
Most of us are afraid to admit their fear of rejection! I suggest that you must learn to embrace rejection, learn from it, and overcome the fear of it. One must understand that Zig Ziglar (for those of you who don’t know who the famous motivational speaker and author of many sales and marketing tools is… look him up) suggested that one must not fear rejection, but embrace it. It may take a hundred No’s, before you get one Yes, but you will eventually get that one yes! It’s all in the numbers. Does that mean one should ask a hundred perfect 10’s(that is if there are a hundred that actually exist)? That is one approach, but I suggest learning how to become a Renaissance Man first!
This guide will outline tips for becoming a Renaissance Man in the 21st Century. The obstacles one must overcome, the baggage one must lose, and motivation one must gain in order to change their life. Trust me, it takes plenty of motivation to do the right thing, because it’s much easier to walk on by… In fact there are many times men offer assistance, only to be chastised for their approach. Ladies… there are plenty of men who are looking for nothing other than the chance to rescue a damsel in distress! Why don’t they give us a chance? The list is too long to get into, but gentlemen if you think about all the creeps who’ve approached these women throughout their lives, it‘s not really all that hard to understand. So why do we want to change? For ourselves, because we as men need to change the personae that has been inadvertently attached to all men. If you do not wish to change then this guide is not for you, but if you are willing to look inside yourself, admitting the flaws that have been deposited over the years into your psychological Samsonite, then you may be ready for the trip of a lifetime!
Learn the skills needed to succeed… in the workplace, at the bar, at home, in bed… there are so many advantages attached to being a Renaissance Man. Read along as we connect you with well rounded advice, recommendations as well as locations to finding a life you’ve only dreamt of. Success, not only in love, but in life as well. Everyone dreams about it, yet very few of us are willing to admit their shortcomings let alone attempt to change them… so be a man, a real man!
We will discuss topics that men want to as well as need to hear about, such as: Cigars; is it alright to smoke them? How does one go about finding an inexpensive cigar with big flavor. Scotch; single malt or blended. Car care tips; maintenance and upgrades. How to pick a vehicle that matches your needs. How to approach and entice that perfect 10 into a relationship. How to keep her happy in an out of the bedroom. Exercise tips. Eating for a healthier life. Cooking the perfect meal. Tips for becoming a Halo master. Brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Business tips! Investing in an economically precarious economy. Surveys and polls on topics that men want to hear about. The list is limited only by the questions unasked, so ask away and… let the good times roll!

Watch for our next article… Ground Zero, how to start your transformation!